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How do I know when I'm OK?

Tags: Health

20 ways to check if you're OK

  1. You feel reasonably contented most of the time with occasional spikes of happiness (and maybe the odd 'downer')
  2. You don't have 300 unopened emails in your inbox
  3. You strive – but don't expect to be perfect
  4. You don't take things too personally and if it seems that way you can tell yourself "It's not my problem if they think that way anyway"
  5. You have a healthy sense of control – you are not overwhelmed and things aren't getting away from you (have a plan – remember the brain loves a plan)
  6. Even if things are going badly for you, you have a healthy sense of perspective ("Even if the worst case scenario happens – it won't be the end of the world")
  7. You are able to set time aside for yourself to do enjoyable things and be content to be by yourself
  8. You are able to like yourself with all your loveliness and your faults
  9. You are able to forgive yourself for your perceived iniquities
  10. You are able to self-sooth through encouraging self-talk and the occasional self-hug
  11. You are able to accept discomfort – (for example Stress/ Anxiety/ Depression) – and know that it will pass
  12. You are able to practice worry control and stop ruminations ("Stop – go away – don't want you now!"). Don't forget to re-focus or distract afterwards.
  13. You know which coping mechanisms work for you (e.g. the 6 second breath – action and distraction)
  14. You nurture healthy relationships with partners, family, friends - and yourself
  15. You are able to be patient
  16. You persist – even when the going is tough
  17. You adopt a positive attitude and you are able to adjust your attitude when you mindfully notice it could do with an adjustment
  18. You do not adopt a victim mentality and take up your own power
  19. You are kind and compassionate to yourself and others
  20. You are able to find something to be grateful for every day

If things get too tough – remember talking to someone is the way to go.

Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14
Mensline Australia - 1300 78 99 78
Beyondblue - 1300 224 636
Suicideline Victoria - 1300 651 251
Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800